Friday, February 22, 2008

gonna need that live08 roster update!

No lie! With all the moves that have been made over the past month, it's been hard to keep up with who's wearing what! Espn has the detailed rundown on who's where and who they got for who. You hear that phrase tossed around all the time 'change is good!' But is it? If that question were asked to Pau Gasol you'd probably get an overwhelming yes! But what about Shawn Marion, think he'd reply with so much enthusiasm? After all being traded to a (currently) 9-43 team could not have been on the top of his request list. I am by far not an trade expert nor do I work in the front office of a team, but I don't think it takes having a seat next to Mitch Kupchak or Danny Ferry to see that change isn't always good for everyone! But that's the life of the game and I'm sure players, sans Kobe Bryant, know that at any given moment they could be traded to another team not of their liking. For me it's gonna take a little while before I get use to seeing the new guys in the new colors. Seriously, Diesel in orange and purple and Bibby NOT in purple, it just doesn't immediately mesh for me sorry. But with a little help from a good friend of mine, NBA Live 08 and a new roster update, things should make sense a little faster for me. I'll be able see how that Phoenix run and gun offense holds up with Superman in the middle. The LeBrons have asked for help and now with Wally World and Big Ben on deck we'll see how this all pans out. It's no secret that the second half of the season will be interesting to say the least. Once players get adjusted to their new homes, this run for the playoffs should not to miss!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

its back!

that’s right ladies and gents the dunk contest is back, and i witnessed its return first hand. i say that its back because the dunk contest has gotten a hard time and some criticism from many sports writers and fans for the last couple of years, and i can be honest some, some of it was deserved. but for me personally, the dunk contest is one of the main reasons i get excited for all-star weekend so i never gave up on it or was one of the many that wanted to get rid of it all together. it was accused of not being creative or exciting anymore, but that was definitely not the case this year. you had dunks that included, but were not limited to: rudy gay doing a reverse cradle dunk and switching hands, dwight howard dunking from behind the rim altogether, and gerald green dunking with no shoes on! (do you know how hard that is!). but some of the more memorable and creative of the night was dwight howards superman themed dunk/throw down and gerald greens' candle blow out dunk (which is possibly my favorite). matter fact let me take a quick sec to harp on that. so GG had his teammate place a cupcake on the back of the rim and light it, he then proceeds to jump up, blow out the candle, and then dunk! cut it out! i mean your lips have to be above the rim to do that! dude can simply jump. D. howard ended up taking home the championship honors that night and it was deserved i just don’t want GG efforts or others to go unnoticed because the event as a whole was one of the best in years and like i said half way through the contest, i cant wait to see what they come up with next year.............................dude blew out a candle!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

good thing we got ours....

Microsoft is seeing shortages of its Xbox 360 video game console in the United States, as the company failed to anticipate strong post-holiday demand, an executive said on Wednesday.

"We are really running short of product here in the United States," Jeff Bell, head of global marketing for Microsoft's games business, said in an interview. "You could say we misjudged demand."

The comments come a day before market research firm NPD is expected to release video game sales data for January. Bell said Microsoft was hoping to "manage expectations."

"We're literally out of stock in many stores. We think this will have an impact on our sales," Bell said. "It may cause the overall industry number to be down a little bit.

"Retailers have been really upset, they are on allocation. It is a lag I think we're seeing in January and that may continue into February, then as spring ramps up, we'll be able to meet that demand."

Microsoft sold nearly 1.3 million Xbox 360 consoles in the United States in December, when the entire video games industry gets a boost from holiday shopping.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

love/hate...mostly love

ok so here's my rant about jordans. so those that know me know the love i have for shoes with the special emphasis on jordans. for those of you who dont, the quick run-down is i basically grew up watching MJ and he's simply the best. between watching him and being mentored about the shoe game by my cousin the love grew. it gets a lil deeper, J came into the league in 85, yours truley's birth year, and has released a signature (numbered) shoe every year since. so when i was 1 his first shoe came out, when i was 2 his second and so forth, so you see how it gets a lil more significant? ok lets move on so obviously up untill about highschool and my first job i wasnt able to afford my love and by that time i was way behind the game, so its been a constant drive of mine to somehow attain numbers 1-23 of the series. its a "mixed feeling" because he's hurting the kid! i mean he's dropping 1,2, maybe 3 pair a month that ya boy wants but is just not financially able to keep up with. i mean i know he doesnt hoop anymore and its strictly business for him at the point but ouch J! seriously its become a bill for me, theres: car, phone, school, and J's written in there as a necessity! now dont get me wrong cuz i love getting them and the day of i dont bat an eye as i decide i'm not going to eat for a week to get the newest ones. now the funny part to all this is with all gripes aside, my latest purchase was the first of many packages to be released this year (pictured above) and they came in a box that had on the side a letter to fans if you will from the man himself. the letter basically goes on to say thanks for being there all these years and as a treat to YOU i am releasing all 23 of my shoes in packages of 2 throguhout the year. so basically every month there will be 2 numbered signature shoes released. the shoes in the packages will together e equal to the number 23; so the 10's and 13's will come in a pacakge, the 2's and 21's and so forth. theres that half of me that is like this is it! heres my chance to finally have all 23! but then the other half is like umm where am i going to find $350 every month! ouch man ouch! and on top of that there all basically going to be red,black, and white! i love you man, but you're killing me!....all that said, see ya'll at finishline bright and early for the next pair :) whoo!

Top 20 Internet Millionaires Under 30

Came across this list and pretty much lost my appetite! Thought I'd share so that my fellow 'Thousandaires' could review with the green-eye!

Monday, February 11, 2008

psp 1.0 jus got smashed!

Ok, so i'm just browsing around like usual and I come across these pics of a fan created psp and I'm literally stopped in my tracks. Look at this man! Why is it that some of the sic'est products to come across are made by some cat named Jeremy next door on his $698 dell? I am in love with this psp! Is it me or would it make sense for companies (we'll use Sony for this example) to team up with these up-and-comers and try to intergrate if not use some of the product concept ideals outside of what their own R/D team creates? Not everything out of the Sony camp is a banger!  More pics of this digital euphoria can be found here. And give some credit to the artist, kid has got some crazy rendering skill.  This looks like a actual photo taken from a product page somewhere.  And please don't tell me it's not possible, I'm sure they could squeeze a psp into USB thumb drive if they wanted to.  Note to Sony: Ya boy is sic! Put him on the payroll!!! 

start your engines......

Nothing like 'jeeping' the family down to the local monster truck jam to cap off a Saturday night! (well a blank text is a another way to cap off! nudge nudge 4X) But this weekend we decide to load up the dudes and hit the dirt! We seemed to have no problem enjoying this pastime, not really our 1st pick but I mean it was trucks, bikes, and atvs! (mainly bikes and atvs, but the trucks were parked out there at least!) We showed up, sans sleeveless shirts, beers, and trucker mesh caps, complete with J's, dunks, and L-R-G in full effect! Wasn't that hard to just jump right in and root for our favorite ninja turtle truck or the memorable t-maxx (those were the days). Seeing as how Mr. Grave Digger was there, pretty much just waiting for the trophy to be handed to him, it was a pleasant surprise to see see someone else walk away the victor!

Good to see the twins in attendance!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

to be 10 again....

Remember what it was like to not have to worry about work and a paycheck? Not worring if you just past the cheapest gas station in the area. Remember wearing a young beater with the lil arms sticking out! :) To come home kick your shoes off and get 4 feet of air on the mini rim in the family room. man those were the days....


50 Cent’s 50/50 deal with Ecko as the makers of G-Unit Clothing is a wrap. Word has it G-Unit Clothing Company has been straight shut down…and their last day of business is Friday. Yet this ish like Fubu, will still be sold. Maybe they should have twirked it like 50 and shut ish down before it became a complete laughing matter and left the game with some dignity. Feel me?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

this lil symbol is ruining my life!

Hello my name is phavor, and I'm addicted to achievements. *hi phavor* Not the real life kind, mind you just getting up in the morning feels like an achievement. I'm talking about that unmistakable sound and icon that appear when playing 360 games. Achieving has taken over my gaming style. At first, I didn't pay much attention to them (thanks jamdb3 for the condemned achvs), although I did get a slight feeling of accomplishment every time I was informed I received one. Lately, however, I'm finding that I cant stop trying to get them. It's gotten to the point that i'll stay up late into the night just to get an extra 10 points added to my gamerscore. I... I think I need help.

For those of you that don't know what i'm talking about, support for achievements is one of the many things that Microsoft requires developers to put in every single Xbox 360 game, arcade games included. Each game can dole out up to 1000 points (1250 with added DLC), split into whatever manner the developer sees fit. You might see 5 achievements of 200 points, (those were the days), or 100 consisting of 10 points increments. Some games don't even offer up to the full 1000 points, only allow a fraction of that number.

Getting these achievements seem to have taken over my house hold as well as myself. I've got other family members also obsessed with getting these jewels. I have to admit, I've created little achievement hording monster. Getting on live and being able to check out the score of friends and other counterparts adds a whole new dimension to gaming. Tracking the number of achievement points they've received in comparison to yours never seems to grow old. I find myself renting games i otherwise would have never looked twice at, hotwheels, avatar, yaris, and disney's cars just to name a few. Funny thing is I don't see this sickness/trend going anywhere any time soon.

seconds?... sure why not!

Upon receiving Need For Speed ProStreet in the mail I could hardly wait to crack it open and dive into it. Seriously, I've been a long time fan of the NFS series and with the jump to next gen I've been even more intrigued, (not to mention.... achievements!) So in the disc goes and and wait what's this? Where's the cops? What's this "warming up my tires" ish? Where's Wolf, Nikki, Sal, Officer Cross and the rest of the crew from the NFS Carbon game? What's this race day arrangement? And most importantly, where's the car customization (gotta get a black on black rolling around somehow)?

So needless to say after a short, disappointing stint, NFSPS was on it's way back to gamefly (guess I'll finish DiRT and COD4). But i couldn't just let it go, after years of loving the NFS games I knew EA wouldn't let me down that bad. So back into my gamefly Q it goes for another round. This time I decided to look beyond all the previous listed disappointments and just play for the heck of it. I can say now that I'm happy that I decided on the seconds, I'm back on board! Forget the arcade-style titles before with almost comically inaccurate physics and surreally tough cars. NFSPS has taken it to the next level with a new physics and graphic engine. Race on the deserts of Nevada or the Autobahn (I think there's even a race through Colorado back woods). Also new to PS is allocating cars for specific race types, i.e. buying an RSX I now have to decide if this will be my speed, drag or drift car. Once selected this allocation can be changed, but does away with the single car for all types of races method.

A lot of NFS regulars will be disappointed to hear that there isn't any illegal street racing -- the line's staple thus far -- and therefore no police chases. Apparently this has caused the game to take a couple of major hits from various reviewers. The AI at times is dopey and amateurish driving (not shifting gears or using the hand brake, for example) doesn't hinder your performance that much. But brace yourself, the word is that the difficulty level ramps up very quickly. The AIs are ready to pounce on any mistake you make, and going so fast that you can't make turns results in a smashed whip(achievement unlocked!) While driving aggressively isn't exactly punished, you just have to gauge whether that bump is going to knock the AI out of position or send you careening into a wall.

I'm sure we've all seen the promo shots with all the different cars all done up looking somewhat grunge/underground. Now that I've have located the high detailed car customizer, buried under the blueprints, I am happy to report that it's all possible! The car editor rivals that of Forza2! Which is a BIG statement. Big but true, you can now add hundreds of layers and scale, rotate, skew all of em! So possibilities are pretty much endless, black on black is back!

Verdict: Need For Speed: ProStreet: Fun and easy to play casually, yet has the complexity and challenge that more demanding players expect. I do miss the story even though is consisted of bad voice acting and cheesy characters, it was a story!